WHATS UP EVERYBODY! Now I know I know my blog header is so cute your gonna pass out...haha just kidding! And your probably wondering where in the WORLD I GOT IT! Well, the answer is I desighned it with the help of my: Mom's Mom we call... Grammy! If you want more info just comment in the box thing...PLEASE! By the way IT WAS SO HARD TO GET DONE!
And right now at 10:13 AM my lil' bro is taking a bath...making a bunch of noises like this: "Pew, Pew", "AAAAHHHH WERE GONNA DIE", and a bunch of explosions... and screams.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Despicable Me!
OH MY WORD! BEST MOVIE EVER! I'm not kidding so funny! My whole family LOVED it!
Gru is the guy who is a "Super-Villain". And then a couple homeless girls come to him and are selling cookies! Then Gru adopts the girls. I won't tell you too much just incase if your going to it!
I HIGHLY recommend you go to it! And you should see it in 3D SO MUCH BETTER IN 3D. I have the trailer up above!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Changed Blog!
I changed my blog so it would look cooler! And I like the font I have now cause it looks more computerish! SO yeah!
Peace Out!!!
I read a book today, cleaned my room, had breakfast.....thats it mostly. And the pic below is from the movie we're seeing!

Peace Out!!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hi peoples of earth I come in peace! SO, I'm back on the computer...(AGAIN) I was also grounded (AGAIN) So just wanted to say I'm BACK (hopefully for at least 3 months)
P.S. Hey Emma see you this morning!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Today, we went to my mom's friend name Meredith. She was having a garage sale..and we went to help out. We were there for 4 hours or something and during those 3 hours a 5 year old named Avery wouldn't play with me AT ALL!!! I asked if we could play babies (I didn't want to play babies....but I thought cause she loves them so much she would give in) You know what she said, "NO". After that my BEST friends Emma,Liliana,and Claire came over and I'm like HALLELUJA!
Thank Goodness! We played "Restraunt" for a while then I had to go and RIGHT NOW at 12:28 pm, I Madeline is writing a post for my blog! Ok one more thing I want you to rate how good my blog background is!
Peace Out!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
My bro is HATING it that I'm now allowed on the computer!
My brother Eli is suffering 'cause he can't play on the computer anymore! (He THINKS he can't play on it anymore) It's kinda funny and awesome in my own little way....teehee. So, we went to the Amana's...'kinda like a German place. Me and my brother got Rock Candy for fifty cents...(Pretty cheap huh) And after we left my mom said "Now we don't have to come back till ten years is up" she said that or something similar don't remember. Thats what she said after we were done at Livin' History Farms. Oh my! So yeah...
Peace Out!!!
P.S. Just wanted to say.................................................I LOVE CHEESE!
OH-YEAH! WOO-HOO! BOO-YA! Schools OUT for the summer! I'm prepared for Swim lessons, spending 3 hours at the pool with my Nana (Nana is what we call my Dad's mom), chill-axing and hanging out with friends, SUMMER CHURCH CAMP!!!!!, going to the lake in Okaboji for The Fourth of July, and well thats it sorta! So CAN NOT WAIT FOR CHURCH CAMP!!!! Its gonna be like AMAZING! Last year when I was in third grade, I couldn't go cause of homesick reasons!
Peace Out!!!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I found this awesome summer background on this site! www.thecutestblogontheblock.com
You got to check it out! See ya later! (If the link doesn't work type the site on google or something)
Peace Out!!!
The life of a nine year old!
The life of a nine year old is my new blog name! When I'm ten I will change it to The life of a ten year old! Perfect HUH! I love it! I hope you do to....
Peace Out!!!
You probably don't know what I'm talkin' about! I HAVE BEEN GROUNDED FROM....the TV, computer,and all video game devices! (Told ya it was TERROR) So, if you were wondering why I haven't posted on my blog for the past month I just told ya. I wasn't on a vacation I WAS GROUNDED! Okay? Okay. While I was signing in to blogger my heart was PUMPING cause I couldn't believe I was back on the computer!!!! (For the past month my brother has been playing on the computer and now he is SUPER sad and mad he won't be able to play on 3 hours or more a day...which I think is awesome) So peoples of earth see ya!
Peace Out!!!
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