Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Ok I'm posting about my good and AWESOME friend Emma! She has curly, fluffy, dark chocolate
brown hair! And a flashing movie star smile! She loves singing and dancing, and wants to be a rock star! (Like me) She is now 11 (She will be a teenager in two years. WOW) The only bad part is I don't see her very often and I want to REALLY bad! She's a good, responsible baby sitter when her mom is gone. Plus she knows CPR! Emma is encouraging and fun to hang out with! She likes to talk about what I want to talk about. She is SUPER DUPER UPER BUPER ZUPER good at singing and VERY stylish.

Love YA Emma!

Peace Out!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Man my mom and dad are tan...

One thing that is kinda scaring me MY DAD AND MOM ARE SUPER TAN... I'm not used to seeing them like that!
My mom has a sunburn so does my dad cause the only thing they put on is "Suntan Stuff".
And of course the little nine yr old has to wear crazy sunscreen! I mean seriously I wanna be SUPER tan to! But I don't want to get a sunburn. My dad if you put your hand on his sunburn and press when you take your hand off its a white hand print that quickly fades away! Ok another newsflash my brother Eli is going GAGA over Avatar The Last Airbender. I have proof!!!! We were at the store ands Eli keeps going "WATER BENDER WOOSH! AIR BENDER WHATA" and waving his hands around! Its actually very funny! My AWESOME boy cousins Ian and Leo took a quiz of which element we are and I was WATER! Water is actually one of my favorite elements. (Most of you probably think I'm talking like a hobo gone crazy) So yeah.... have a piano lesson tomorrow at
1:00 pm and thats it really!

Peace Out!!!


My room is now painted white!!!! SO happy!

Monday, July 26, 2010


Ok I am so sorry I haven't typed in a while.... 1.I was grounded. 2.I was at camp!
So it was awesome! Loved it! Ok when we got on the church bus they checked everyone was there.
Then we had to drive an hour. When we got there it was SO HECTIC I WANTED TO EXPLODE!
And this boy named Denver, if you didn't say "Thats My Bag" he would throw it out the back of the bus and a big BONUS: It was raining... My Pastor said when we see Denver we can beat him up,tie him, and throw him into the nine foot section of the pool! Plus Denver on purpose mushed and dumped his food from lunch on my friend Sianna. I was saying what the heck! Ok after we got our stuff we went to the cabin and put our sheets and pillows on our bunks...I was going to share a bunk with someone but the counselors said they needed it. So I had to share a bunk with someone I didn't know..I was bottom. After that we could explore then we went to lunch it was actually pretty good for camp food! And then we had more exploring and then dinner! After that we went to the chapel for service. Ands then we went the cabin and stayed up till 10:30. Now let me tell you about Thursday night so we have color wars and I was green team we got 2 out of 4 place! So that night we stayed up till 1:30 in the morning and at 9:00 o'clock my counselor Katie, went crazy. So first of all you gotta understand that all my counselors where either 17 or 18. Lauren one of my counselors said it happens to teenagers if they don't get enough sleep. Katie kept eating candy and she put crazy clothes and drank a juice box through her woolen hat straw poked in. We were asking these weird questions she answered and we would always LAUGH! Loved that night! Ok see ya later peoples!

Peace Out!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Ok when I say blood I mean my mom and dad are getting there blood drawn from some lady and she s at our house right now! The reason they have to get blood drawn is because they changed our insurance. I was totally terrified at the thought of getting blood drawn but today my mom said we aren't getting it done! THANK GOODNESS!!!

Funny Fact: My dads mom (Who we call Nana) has passed out from seeing blood before...ick

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Teenager in Love

Hey guys I'm listening to "Teenager in Love" on my cousin Sophie's playlist on her blog! Love this song....haha think of that for a minute a nine yr old loving a 70's song! I'm an oldie.
Ok everyone... bye

Peace Out!!!!